
My new album "Praise" is now available.  I spent a long time collecting and making and putting together these pieces and am indebted to Amy Egerton-Wiley, Greg Hartunian, Greg Gorlen, Jeph Jerman and Raub Roy for their help in making it happen.  Side A: "My Savior" can be heard here and you can order the cassette (bundled with a digital download) from Weird Ear Records.


Travel Photos

This summer I've been very lucky to have done a fair amount of traveling outside the United States.  Here are some photos from my trips to China and Europe with Amy and on tour with Ducktails respectively.

Perspectives Article


The people at Perspectives of New Music just published my essay on Stockhausen and the Catholic church in their latest issue.  It's on jstor and in print, but if anyone out there actually wants to spend a few minutes reading, I'm happy to send it over.

jstor link